Hey, thanks for checking out the Catholic Diatribes blog. This blog for the ages reflects the way I see and understand things from a Catholic perspective, which means it’s the way everyone else should think about everything all the time. I am a father of nine, because God trusts my parenting skills a whole lot more than I do.  As a lifelong Catholic, I wish I could say that I have always taken the faith seriously, but like many others I went through a period in my younger college years where I did not. However, God was generous and patient and brought me back into the fold in adulthood. I am by no means perfect, and never will be.   And you don’t realize how difficult it is to admit that.   And don’t tell my kids.

I can have some very sharp opinons on things. I usually try to be measured and deliberate with how I state what I’m thinking, and I expect this to be the normal type of post that you’ll find from me.   There’s a Christian admonition that says “in all things, charity.”   I don’t really like that admonition.   So… you will find that from time to time I allow some edginess or sarcasm to creep into my posts. I do not apologize for this, though maybe I should. But I firmly believe that there are times when a point is best made with bluntness, sarcasm, irony, perturbation, and even anger that is reflected in the words in a post. That being said, it’s not like I go out of my way to be controversial, and all in all I’m a pretty nice guy (at least my wife says I am). So, in the end, hopefully my opinions at least serve the purpose of being thought-provoking, entertaining, and a worthwhile read.

Anyone who wishes to contact me directly can send an e-mail at geezep@yahoo.com. I will do my best to get back to you.

If you are interested in e-mailing me regarding a purchase of the CD, please do.   I have 12 boxes of these things left.   At this point I will send them for free, to anyone who asks as long as you promise to send me something to cover shipping.


7 responses »

  1. cool blog. I wish there was a way I could subscribe without being sent emails. I have a problem with getting to many emails. So I want to let you know that even though I’m not following your blog, I still admire it and think its cool 🙂

    • You are more than welcome. I really enjoy your blog and check it out fairly often. I am a fan of devout Christians who convert convert to Catholicsm because your stories are steeped in study and prayer (I can imagine anguished prayer and reflection at times) with wonderful insights into the truth of our faith. It is really a wonderful witness for others struggling with many of the questions that us Catholic-since-beirth-types just kind of accepted and never felt strange about. For example, never once in my life have I considered a devotion to Mary as “worshipping Mary” and never have I confused her human-onliness with any kind of deity. I was ignorant about such questions until I actually ran into people who started littering me with questions and needed to defend the faith (which really spurred on my own strengthening of faith). When I first heard the questions about worshipping Mary and statues, I truly thought they were joking.

      Anyway, I could go on… but keep up the good work.

  2. I found the following kind words about my book in another section of your website:

    “Example 1) Desmond A. Birch has written what I consider a masterpiece of scholarship in this area, called “Trial, Tribulation, and Triumph.” There are numerous prophecies documented, as well as early Church teachings on prophetic subjects that have since lost their momentum. He revisits things that were taught with a great deal of imminence and importance that have never been rejected, it’s just that we stopped talking about it through the ages. For example, the Antichrist was discussed in great detail in early centuries, because there was a feeling of imminence with Christ’s return. As centuries went on, people realized that we may actually be here for a while, so matters shifted to the spiritual needs of the world at hand. However, we can learn a great deal about what the early teachers said about certain prophetic subjects. More importantly, Birch focuses all his messages on either apparitions that have specifically been approved, or by individuals who have been recognized as Holy men and women (venerable, blessed, or Saint). This is not necessary addressing current revelation, though his work has helped make sense and compile many previous messages. A knowledge of this work really helps in evaluating and discerning some of the current messages people claim to be receiving.”

    Thank you for those kind words.

    Desmond A. Birch

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